Carnival of Follonica
The Carnival of Follonica has been a tradition of the city since 1910, when the first carnival event was organized. Over time, the event evolved into a true party for the streets of the city with allegorical wagons, music and masks.
From the 1950s to every edition, the carnival became increasingly popular, attracting to Follonica a crowd of families from Grosseto, Punta Ala, Castiglione della Pescaia, Massa Marittima. The fame of the Carnival of Follonica continues today.
Every city district undertakes for several months, during the winter, in the design and construction of its wagon. Once the carnival began, the wagons all pull together on the streets of the center and compete for the title of best wagon of the year. Parades also include smaller wagons, music bands, and masked groups.
During the event is also elected a King and a Queen, chosen among the girls of each ward. The Carnival of Follonica ends with the bonfire of the King Carnival, a grade papier-mask that is burned in the square in the presence of the public in the city.